est un site naturel de la province de Mazandaran. Il comprend une série de terrasses de travertin en gradins créées depuis des milliers d’années.
Navid AminAghaee
Badab-e Surt
Badab-e Surt
Badab-e Surt
- Badab Sourt is made of a range of stepped travertine terrace formations thousands of years ago, as flowing water from two hot mineral springs cooled and deposited carbonate minerals on the mountainside.
- Badab is a Persian compound of Bād "gas" + āb "water", translating to "gassed water", referring to the springs' waters being carbonated mineral waters.
- It is at a height of 1,841 meters above sea level
- The Badab Sourt Spring is actually comprised of two separate springs with completely different colored and scented water. The first spring contains very salty water that gathers in a small natural pool.
- The high level of salt in the springs keeps it from freezing during the winter.
- The Badab Sourt Spring has been registered as a national heritage site.
- There are similar sites in the US, New Zealand and Turkey from which only the Pammukkale in Turkey is a tourism hub.
Sari (nearest Station
0.09° |
0 °C
- Vitesse du vent 0.63
- Humidité 63
- lever du soleil 0.09
- Le coucher du soleil 0.09
- Night Start 0.09
- Altitude 1 828.4M
Moon Style
- Lever de la lune
- Lune de miel
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